How to Hide Instagram Highlights from Someone?

Instagram, a social media platform that connects millions, offers a feature known as “Instagram Stories Highlights”. These highlights are a great way to showcase your best stories on your profile, available for viewing beyond the typical 24-hour story lifespan. However, you may want to limit access to certain highlights for specific individuals. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to hide Instagram highlights from someone, ensuring your content is shared with the right audience.

Hiding Instagram Story Highlights Using Privacy Settings: A Complete Guide

As an Instagram user, you’ve probably taken advantage of the Instagram Stories Highlights feature, a powerful tool that allows you to preserve your favorite stories on your profile beyond the normal 24-hour limit. But have you ever wanted to restrict a certain audience from viewing these highlights? This guide will walk you through how to hide Instagram Story Highlights using Privacy Settings, a feature that offers you control over who can access your content.

The first step is to navigate to the profile tab in the Instagram App. Once there, you’ll see the option for “Settings” represented by a gear-like icon. Tapping on this will open a list of various settings, among them is the “Privacy” option which you will need to select.

Inside Privacy settings, you’ll find a menu related to “Story”. It is here that you can control who can view your Instagram Stories and Highlights. Within this menu, there’s an option labelled “Hide Story From”. Tapping on this will show you a list of all your followers. From here, you can simply search for and select the individuals you wish to hide your Highlights from.

One important thing to note is that these settings can be adjusted at any time, providing you with continuous control over your content’s visibility. Remember though, Instagram does not notify users when they are removed or added to this list, ensuring your privacy decisions remain discreet.

In conclusion, Instagram’s Privacy settings give you a robust set of tools to control who gets to see your Story Highlights. So whether you’re sharing personal moments, promoting your brand, or just posting your everyday adventures, you can ensure your content is reaching the intended audience.

Key Takeaways

  1. Navigate to the ‘Profile Tab‘ in the Instagram App
  2. Go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Privacy
  3. Inside Privacy, find and select ‘Story
  4. Tap on ‘Hide Story From’ to choose who you want to hide your highlights from

By following these steps, you can successfully hide your Instagram Story Highlights from specific followers, allowing you to share content comfortably and with confidence.

How to Hide Instagram Story Highlights by Creating a Close Friends List

Creating a ‘Close Friends List’ on Instagram is an effective way to manage who sees your Story Highlights. This exclusive list allows you to share more personal updates with a select group of people, which is perfect for hiding certain Highlights from a broader audience. Let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Step 1: Navigate to Your Profile

Start by opening the Instagram app on your mobile device. Tap on the profile icon located in the bottom right corner to take you to your profile page.

Step 2: Access the Menu

On your profile page, tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top right corner. This will open up a side menu where you’ll find the ‘Close Friends’ option.

Step 3: Create Your Close Friends List

After tapping on ‘Close Friends,’ you’ll be taken to a new screen. Here, you can add people to your Close Friends List by tapping on the ‘Add’ button next to their name. You can also search for a specific person using the search bar at the top.

Step 4: Share Highlights to Your Close Friends

Now that you have your Close Friends List, you can decide to share your Instagram Story Highlights exclusively with them. When creating a new Highlight, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you want to share with ‘Close Friends,’ ‘Everyone,’ or ‘Hide Story From’ certain individuals.

Step 5: Review and Edit Your Close Friends List

You can review and edit your Close Friends List at any time by going back to the ‘Close Friends’ option in the side menu. Here, you can remove people by tapping on the ‘Remove’ button next to their name.

Key Takeaways

  1. Navigate to your profile and open the side menu
  2. Select ‘Close Friends’ and create your list
  3. When creating Highlights, select ‘Close Friends’ to restrict visibility
  4. Review and edit your Close Friends List as needed

Remember, Instagram does not notify users when they are added or removed from your Close Friends List. This feature allows you to have full control over who sees your Highlights, offering a discreet way to manage your privacy. By following these steps, you can confidently curate your content, knowing it is being shared with the right audience.


In conclusion, Instagram provides multiple ways to control the visibility of your Story Highlights. Whether you choose to utilize the Privacy Settings to hide your highlights from specific individuals or create a Close Friends list for a more personalized sharing experience, these options allow you to curate your content according to your comfort level.

Remember, Instagram ensures that these changes are made discreetly without notifying the affected users, thus preserving your right to privacy. With these features at your fingertips, you can confidently share your moments knowing that they are being viewed by the right audience.

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